Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Did you know… Loneliness could be genetic!

 Therapy for Life

It’s possible that different variations in our genes cause the way we select to live our lives.
The process by which the body reads its genetic code is called ‘Genetic Expression’
“The degree to which the genetic code is expressed may be different in lonely versus non lonely individuals.”


The effect loneliness has on us plays an important part in the continuation of our species stemming back to the basics of our evolution.  Loneliness compels us to forge relationships for the purpose of survival.
“and opportunities to pass on one’s genes to the next generation.”

Our genetics seem to be the lens through which we view our environment and perceive it as either lonely or not.
“Genes could be related to the way in which lonely people behave in their environment, to how their stress system operates, or to which environments they self- select into.”
The research proved substantially that loneliness is a heritable trait.
In intervention research, specific types of cognitive behavioural therapy, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training, reduced loneliness in the experimental group relative to a control group. It’s suggested that therapy had a physical affect on the immune system (Creswell et al., 2012)

Evidence is pointing towards there being a link between loneliness and the immune system.

In cancer research, this loneliness ‘Genetic Expression’ is related to survival time in cancer patients, lonely people tend to pass away earlier that non-lonely people which propels thought towards the link between loneliness and mortality. (You, Yeh, & Su, 2013)

Loneliness is a complex trait affected by genetics and environmental influence

But no two people’s experience and perception of their social network is the same, so research is by no means certain.

As a counsellor, I have observed that one client’s perception of their personal loneliness could be another’s ideal situation depending on their point of view. 

People that head down into the vicious cycle of depression can often feel alone and unable to help themselves when in fact they are not alone. Their perception is affected by depression as if looking through a negative lens at the world. 

Taking the first step towards counselling is a huge jump towards self-awareness.

Taken from The Genetics of Loneliness
(Luc Goossens et al., 2015) Sage Publishing

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