Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Parents who feel helpless... the best thing you could do for your child is this

Are you struggling to connect with your child?

Are emotions high, arguments constant, behaviour bad?

Do they seem quiet and shy or constantly getting into trouble?

If you are worried and they are not talking to you, you probably feel helpless.
The one certain way you can help your child is through counselling.

We at Therapy for Life have counsellors on board that have huge experience working with children from all backgrounds.

As a parent we feel our child’s pain, but thinking you are unable to help is incorrect. Let your child form a trusting bond with a therapist so they can release everything
that is bothering them.

“Sometimes kids don’t want to tell us parents all their ‘stuff’ for fear of hurting us or being disciplined.” 
Sam Director at Therapy for Life 

Take a massive step towards doing one of the best things you could ever do for your child. You know you’re a good parent when you never stop trying to help them.

“We don’t judge or criticise your parenting, we know how tough it is."

We are a big solution for a child that needs somewhere to talk and release their worries and pain.

You will notice how much better your child feels after the first session. Please call us, and you’ll be taking one of the most caring and beneficial actions for your child’s wellbeing.

Please contact Sam at Therapy for Life, you will be very welcomed by our friendly therapists, you will be seen quickly, and see how easy and laid back it all is for you.

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